Wild Flowers

Wanting to remind people of their time here, and mindful it is a ‘privilege’ that I get to be looking after this. There are also some wild garlic in amongst the other flowers as well now.
Wanting to remind people of their time here, and mindful it is a ‘privilege’ that I get to be looking after this. There are also some wild garlic in amongst the other flowers as well now.
Hi Clive what a lovely picture. We have so missed coming to the estate this year under these strange and worrying times but hopefully we will see you in the bright new dawn of 2021. I can almost smell the tang of the sea and taste a cold pint of beer from the Sloop at Pothgain. Stay healthy and save everyone love Phil and Sandra C.
Good to hear from you both. Strange times they are, keeping an eye on the emerging goodness and making it a priority to maintain it. Clive et al